Friday, November 23, 2007

Update from China


I know it's been awhile, but this is the first chance I've had since I've been in the "box" to send an e-mail.

The stem cell transplant took place on Thursday, November 22 (Thanksgiving!) I was in awe as I watched the nearly colorless, almost wispy looking stem cells drip down through my IV. It is incredible to think of the healing that these seemingly insignificant drops can do in my body.

A flock of doctors had gathered at my window to watch the procedure – some taking photos and one taking a video. I had my I-pod playing Donny's, "This is the Moment!" It was a festive atmosphere! Jimmy and Jau Fang had brought a huge birthday cake to share. (They must have done a lot of searching to find such a cake here in Chengdu!) Lon had brought more flowers to put on my windowsill outside the "box." The docs and nurses sang "Happy Birthday." All in all the process took about 45 minutes. Now we wait for the stem cells to do their magic!

I've been told to expect another 30 days in the "box" after stem cell transplantation. Yet, they've also told me that everything depends on my body. If I can recovery rapidly I can get out of here sooner. Oh, I am praying for things to be quick! The Lord has blessed us with so many miracles already, but I keep asking for just one more!!

I have felt the tender mercies of the Lord and He is teaching me so many things. For instance, this miracle in my life took place on Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving means nothing here – it is just another day. I did not choose this day – it was determined by my docs. The Lord, in His goodness, chose to let this be a day of special significance to me in more ways than one! Also, one of the greatest lessons I have felt is that of charity – the pure love of Christ. This lesson has been taught to me by all of you who have loved and served our family so unselfishly. How can I express my gratitude to you who have done so much? I will forever be grateful for your Christ-like love and service.

I also want to express my love and gratitude for Lon and his love and devotion. He lifts me up and blesses my life. He tells me I'm beautiful even though I've seen myself in the mirror! He has been a great strength to me through all of this.

Well, I love you all!

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