Saturday, October 13, 2007

Note from the Murphys

Dear Brown & Wardrop families:

We are so proud and honored to be considered as family so we can laugh, cry, enjoy your stories, and feel of you strong and sweet spirits, as we worry and pray along with you and so many of your other friends. What a blessing to have your friends Jimmy Lu and his wife to be with you so your stay and treatments can be far less stressful while being in such a far away foreign land. It sounds like the Chinese will be humble and flock to the "Gospel" when the time is right, and their government allows it to happen. Your examples and love for them will be felt, and certainly will pave the way for many to accept and want to know why you are so special when that time comes. I hope you have thought to consider including the Barton family (especially Mike & Laurie Hurr) in your Blog, since they have so much love, respect, and contacts with the Mainland Chinese. I think your Dad an Mom are aware that Mike recently took a 2 or 3 year leave of absence as CEO from American Grain-Asia to serve as "Mission President" in Taiwan China. There contacts, as well as Jimmy Lu's may be helpfull.

With Love, The Murphys

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